Why do we feel so rushed?
We are living faster, thinking faster and cramming more into our daily routines. It’s not that we have any less time than we did before, but we are spending way more time “doing”. We fill every spare nook and cranny of time available to us with the stuff we have to do, along with all those not so hidden extras of updating our social media, tweeting and texting while drowning in a sea of incoming email.
Our wonderful new technologies designed to save us time have morphed into gadgets we can no longer function without and keep us tied to a hyper-stimulated world that is always “on”.
Can you reclaim time?
Time poverty is merely a perception, because despite the loud protestations of “not having enough,” we still all have access to the same 24 hours, 1,440 minutes or 86,400 seconds every day. The problem is we created this illusion of time poverty because we forgot that we weren’t designed to operate at full speed 24/7. By changing your perception of how fast time is passing, you can quickly reduce stress levels and restore a sense of calm. This allows your mind to relax and function at a higher level.
Block your day.
Your brain evolved to apply your focus in short bursts. This was extremely useful when as hunter-gatherers we needed to pay attention to where we might find food, shelter or a mate, and to keep out of danger. But heavy workloads have led to the assumption that everything on our to-do list is urgent and requires our full attention immediately, elevating stress levels that never get a chance to switch off. Far better to prioritise the top three items that simply must be done, no matter what else happens on the planet today, and block your day into chunks of 25 – 90 minutes that you believe is sufficient to get these and only these tasks completed. That done you feel rewarded and your brain enjoys a nice dopamine surge, motivating you to continue with some other work that is now approached in a calmer, less stressed manner.
Unplug from the grid.
While the idea of managing without your mobile, tablet, or laptop might put you close to a stage of panic, research from James Cook University suggests that while our technology makes our brains operate faster it also adds to the perception of time having passed more quickly. Enjoying a higher processing speed may be seen as an advantage, but if this is adding to your stress levels, take a technology break and unplug from the grid, even for 15 minutes. It’s time well spent to boost focus and provide a reality check on just how much time has really passed. Other studies have shown how periodically disconnecting from technology helps reduce stress levels, lowers blood pressure, enhances wellbeing and leads to higher performance.
Take time out to still your mind.
With all this time pressure, it can be hard to find the time to think. The most important appointment of each day is the one you book to still your mind. Whether you are the CEO, manager, team leader or employee, taking 15 – 30 minutes to press pause and take time out to reflect provides you the thinking space required to lower stress, gain clarity of thought, and regain a sense of having enough time. Your choice of thinking space is the one that suits you best; a closed door and do-not disturb sign, going out for a run, listening to some music or undertaking a meditative practice.
Reclaiming time feels liberating and empowering. Less stress contributes to better thinking and greater brain health, providing you the energy and vitality to power through your day and enjoy your brain’s full potential.