Ed's Blog Lessons from Lisa Su, the CEO taking on the world’s most valuable company Lisa Su is smart, funny and passionate about computer chips. She’s now a billionaire, having led AMD’s rapid growth over the past 10 years.
Leadership How we can unpack misconceptions about ‘the buzzword’ intersectionality Passionate about intersectionality and the need to unpack “the buzzword” it’s become, Sheetal Deo explains some common misconceptions.
Advice ‘Start early, start small’: Himashini Weeraratne’s practical tips on how women can grow their superannuation Grant Thornton’s Himashini Weeraratne discusses the challenges women face with superannuation savings and offers practical advice.
Leadership How we can use the power of visibility to stamp out disability stereotypes When creating a supportive environment for people with disabilities to thrive, advocate Lisa Cox says the answer is in “representation”.
Leadership Looking to truly embrace workplace diversity and inclusion? These strategies can accelerate change Diversity and inclusion is good for business, communities and organisations’ performance, so why is progress so glacially slow?
Leadership How to lead your team through a crisis during volatile times CEO of Plan International Australia Susanne Legena shares the lessons she learned about leadership after navigating through the pandemic.
Leadership How to use your privilege to support women of colour Priyanka Ashraf, founder of The Creative Co-Operative, shares insight into how we can use our privilege to support women of colour.
Tech Why you don’t need a software background to forge a career in technology Application security expert Tara Whitehead explains why you don’t need a background in technology to be successful in the industry.
Leadership Have children in the midst of a thriving career? Here’s how to navigate both CEO Pamela Klioufis shares how to navigate motherhood without losing everything else that’s important to you, such as a career and friends.
Leadership How this mental health researcher embraced her ‘flamingo’ leadership style Mental health researcher Professor Kay-Lambkin shares her career journey and advice on how to push past leadership stereotypes.
Money How to become financially independent and live life on your own terms On top of setting herself up to be financially independent, Jemi Jeng founded her business, Penny, to help other women do the same.
Leadership How to use your voice and body language to command space in any room DEI advocate and founder of Keynoteworthy Cathy Ngo gives advice on amplifying and championing underrepresented and underestimated voices.