A night with the Women's Agenda Leadership Awards finalists

A night with the Women’s Agenda Leadership Award finalists

On Thursday afternoon a line up of judges including chair Dr Kirstin Ferguson, Marina Go, Sally Loane, Nicola Hazell, Suzy Nicoletti, Paul Zahra, Conrad Liveris and Pip Marlow convened with 34 finalists, over Skype, FaceTime and face to face in Sydney for the 2017 Women’s Agenda Leadership Awards judging.

After 34 interviews were done, the judges and the finalists had the opportunity to mingle, network and bask in the company of new friends. Every finalist was encouraged to take a moment to reflect on this well deserved recognition.

The finalists herald from a variety of fields and are at different stages in their careers and ventures, but they have one thing in common: they are committed to making change.

In big and small ways, these women are leading, disrupting, inspiring and leaving a footprint that is far bigger than what they might have ever imagined was possible. It was a privilege to behold their passion and to recognise their achievements.


The Women’s Agenda Leadership Awards go to the heart of everything we stand for. About uncovering new talent, celebrating female leadership, paving the way for different role models and championing women.

The Leadership Awards bring that purpose to life and it is, hands down, the best “work” fixture in the Women’s Agenda calendar.

In Sydney today 350 men and women will gather for lunch to celebrate 34 incredible women.

We look forward to sharing the winners with you later today. Jump online to follow along that #WALA2017 hashtag if you can’t make the lunch.


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