Layne Beachley and Kerryn Phelps join forces to #fightforthebight

Layne Beachley and Kerryn Phelps join forces to #fightforthebight

Some familiar faces have jumped on board the #fightforthebight campaign.

World champion surfer Layne Beachley and Independent MP Dr Kerryn Phelps joined forces over the weekend to bring attention to the #fightforthebight paddle out event at Bondi Beach.

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Ahead of the federal election on May 18, the Surfrider Foundation Australia and the Great Australian Bight Alliance held the paddle out at Bondi. The gathering of surfers and ocean lovers aims to raise awareness of and protest against the Norwegian mining company Equinor, that wants to drill for oil and gas in the middle of the Great Australian Bight.

Equinor wants to start drilling at a depth of 2.5 kilometres by the end of 2020. Seismic testing is already underway.

The devastating environmental impacts and the potential for big oils spills have spurred the community into action and the protest movement is growing.

“This is all about raising our voices and raising awareness for a really big battle that we have ahead of us,” Layne Beachley said on Sunday at Bondi.

“If they [Equinor] make one bad move, one mistake, the consequences are diabolical.”

“As a community we are raising our voices and letting them know it’s not on.”

Kerryn Phelps, who joined Beachley in the protest paddle out, said she is concerned about the impact drilling for oil and gas in the Great Australian Bight will have on the Australian way of life.

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“I’ve seen modelling of the consequences of the oil spill. Its not just about the marine life or the economic consequences and tourism, its also about the Australian way of life,” Phelps said.

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Check out the video below for a snippet of why Beachley and Phelps are so passionate about the #fightforthebight. As they mention, we need someone in Canberra to listen and take action.


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