Donald Trump Jnr accuses Kristina Keneally of fuelling 'global insanity'

Donald Trump Jnr accuses Kristina Keneally of fuelling ‘global insanity’

Labor Senator Kristina Keneally found herself in a heated Twitter exchange yesterday with none other than Donald Trump Jnr.

The battle was sparked after Keneally publicly proffered her opinion on controversial British conservative Raheen Kassam, and called on Scott Morrison to ban his upcoming visa.

She told parliament on Tuesday: “We should not allow career bigots — a person who spreads hate speech about Muslims, about women, about gay and lesbian people — to enter our country with the express intent of undermining equality.”

Kassam made global waves when he labelled the Koran as “fundamentally evil” and also despicably suggested that Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon should have her legs taped shut following a miscarriage “so she can’t reproduce”.

But Donald Trump Jnr claimed the campaign by the ALP and Keneally revealed an intent to “silence conservatives,” emphatically declaring “the insanity needs to stop!”

Keneally fired back suggesting Trump Jnr ought to examine the record of alt-right commentators who have been banned from entering Australia in recent times, including Milo Yiannopoulos earlier this year– a precedent set by the present Morrison government.

Trump has so far refrained from further retorts.

As for Kassam? His visa is still firmly in place and he’s set to speak at the local version of America’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Sydney next week.

Joining him will be the Liberal Party’s Tony Abbott and One Nation’s Mark Latham.


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