Nadia David

Nadia David

Seat: Indi
Party: Labor
Nadia David is the Labor candidate in the independent-held seat of Indi.

David is a qualified solicitor and recently purchased a local bookshop with her husband. She is also undertaking a PhD at Monash University, and teaches criminal justice studies at RMIT.

She is a unionist and is the vice president of the RMIT branch of the National Tertiary Education Union. She is also involved in agrarian and sustainable agriculture and runs a 38-hectare property.

She is standing on the Labor Party’s policy platform, and is particularly interested in the NDIS, action on climate, and agricultural policy.


Other female candidates running in Indi

Liz Fisher

Nationals for Indi

Beth Stevens

One Nation for Indi

Dr Helen Haines

Independent for Indi


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