Julie Bishop appointed UN Special Envoy for Myanmar

‘Deeply honoured’: Julie Bishop appointed UN Special Envoy for Myanmar


Former Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has been appointed as the United Nations’ Special Envoy for Myanmar, saying she is “deeply honoured” to take on the role.

Bishop’s  appointment was made by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who said she brings “extensive political, legal management and senior leadership experience to the role”. 

“Throughout her career, Ms Bishop has strengthened engagement with regional partners and led international negotiation efforts, including the first ever United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea conciliation,” the UN said in a statement.

The post has been vacant for 10 months as conflict in the country has escalated into the worst violence since a military coup occurred in 2021

She has held several high-level positions in the Australian Government, serving as Minister for Foreign Affairs from 2013 to 2018 (the first-ever female in the role), Cabinet Minister for Education, Science and Training, Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women’s Issues and Minister for Ageing.

Bishop was also a member of the Australian Parliament from 1998 to 2019, following a 20-year legal career.

She’s currently the Chancellor of the Australian National University, and in 2020, was the first woman appointed to the role in the University’s history. 

Bishop has also won the Weary Dunlop medal for her contribution to peace and stability in the Asia Pacific and been named a Kissinger Fellow for her work on significant global policy issues.

“I am deeply honoured to be appointed Special Envoy of the Secretary General of the United Nations on Myanmar to help deliver on the mandate of the General Assembly and the Security Council Resolution of December 2022,” Bishop said, on her UN appointment. 

The foreign minister, Penny Wong, welcomed the news of Bishop’s appointment on Saturday morning, saying: “Ms Bishop brings a wealth of experience to the role, and her appointment comes at a critical time as the political, humanitarian and security situation in Myanmar continues to worsen.”

“The people of Myanmar continue to demonstrate great resolve in the face of unspeakable violence and human rights abuses, and Australia remains resolute in our support for them.”

Wong noted the “vital role” that the Special Envoy plays in supporting a peaceful resolution for the South-East Asian country’s conflict. 

“We reiterate our call on the Myanmar regime to cease violence against civilians, release those unjustly detained, allow safe and unimpeded access for humanitarian assistance, and return Myanmar to the path of inclusive democracy,” said Wong.


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