Advice The five hour rule: How some of the world’s most successful business leaders thrive Some of the world’s most prominent business leaders are following a simple weekly plan to further their learning and take time to reflect.
News & Views Which employees rock up early to work? Research reveals The people most likely to arrive to work on time and those who are generally late have been revealed in a recent report examining workplace tardiness.
News & Views ‘Hot girls eat free’ sign in pub was supposed to be ‘funny’ A Sydney pub has come under fire for over a poster promoting a deal where “hot girls eat free” at the venue.
News & Views Global Sisters: The network supporting the 1.5 million Australian women who face financial exclusion After months of planning, a non-profit organisation that has partnerships with major Australian brands has launched to support financially excluded women to start their own micro businesses.
Business IBM Chief congratulates US president, leading one senior woman to resign in disgust A senior employee at computer giant IBM has quit her job and publicly condemned her former boss, in one example of what can happen when the leaders of a business choose to get involved in politics.
News & Views The rise of the six-hour workday: An option for Australia? Could a six-hour work day improve the efficiency of your work? First, here’s what’s going on in Sweden.