Money How couples can better talk about money Romance might be in the air this month, but in a world of growing credit card debt, loans and big mortgages, money problems for couples can be a relationship deal breaker.
Money Why estate planning is women’s business When artist Pablo Picasso died at 91 he left millions in assets.
Money Think you can work to 70? Think again While the Age Pension qualification age may rise to 70 years by the year 2035, women have less chance than men of working beyond the current pension age of 65.
Money What women need to know about investing Last month I wrote about the Australian Securities and Investment Commission’s recently released Australian Financial Attitudes and Behaviour Tracker, which found men are much more likely than women to hold investments outside of superannuation and their home.
Money How and why women can lift their financial game The Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) has found only 20% of women understand what ‘risk return trade-off’ means and 35% understand the term ‘diversification’.
Money Are women being financially counter-productive? Here’s how to take control A survey by the Australian Psychological Society has found that the number one stressor for women is money – yet shopping ranks highly amongst the ways women de-stress.
Health Why you need to have the money talk before baby arrives One thing most new mums will attest to this coming Mother’s Day is that the cost of taking on motherhood was probably far more painful than the delivery if they weren’t prepared financially.
Health Almost 1 in 3 women feel financial stress: Here’s how you can feel financially secure It might sound clique, but financial worries really can keep you awake at night, and what’s worse affect your marriage or relationship, your ability to work productively and overall health and wellbeing.
Money Are women being financially counter-productive? Here’s how to take control A survey by the Australian Psychological Society has found that the number one stressor for women is money – yet shopping ranks highly amongst the ways women de-stress.
Money How and why women can lift their financial game The Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) has found only 20% of women understand what ‘risk return trade-off’ means and 35% understand the term ‘diversification’.
Money Think you can work to 70? Think again While the Age Pension qualification age may rise to 70 years by the year 2035, women have less chance than men of working beyond the current pension age of 65.
Money Why estate planning is women’s business When artist Pablo Picasso died at 91 he left millions in assets.