Advice The solo myth: Why we can’t achieve success singlehandedly There is an African proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together”.
Advice Alpha females in business who ‘act like wolves’ How many times, as a woman in a leadership role, have you heard those muttered words: ‘She’s such an alpha female’ – and it hasn’t been a compliment? More to the point, it’s come from another woman.
Advice The disappearing female leader In the US recently, Bain & Company Management Consulting shared the results of a study of more than 1,000 men and women in a mix of industries and sectors.
News & Views Why do women always put the needs of others before their own? Picture the safety demonstration that flight attendants perform at the start of a flight.
Health How to stay mentally strong: Build a ‘Pit Crew’ It can be a lonely journey for some as we climb the ladder of success.
Advice Planning, courage and persistence: Eight tips I wish I’d known starting out Dear business me, You are doing so well.
Advice How to sledgehammer the glass ceiling If you’ve been in business for any length of time, it can get to a point where the temptation to take the stilettos off, rub your aching feet and shove a pair of shabby old ugg boots on is overwhelming.
Advice Lean Out: It may be better for your career than leaning in This week was my birthday, and it led to a great deal of heartfelt thinking – not least because I was submitting my very first manuscript to a publisher, and as a result I had been bearing in mind amazing business books that have had an impact on my life.
News & Views Where are the women inventors? Right in front of us The 20th and early 21st centuries have brought innovative – and inventive – leaps forward that our forebears could never have imagined.
Advice 7 tips on how to influence more in today’s business landscape The phenomenal speed of change that got us to the 21st century’s technological frenzy is not going to slow down any time soon — and it is creating an uncertain future on a global business level that is naturally demanding change.
News & Views Gen X women told they could ‘have it all’ but what they got was guilt There is something unique about the next generation of women coming into their own as leaders in corporate and as strong entrepreneurial success stories.