News & Views This is the paid parental leave scheme we need It ought to be a basic human right to have a baby, take some time off to care for him or her, and return to work, with as little stress and hardship as possible.
News & Views Maternity leave and the problem with returning to work Last night I caught up for a drink with a girlfriend, Sally (not her real name), who has recently returned to work for her employer of 11 years, in a part-time capacity, after having her second baby.
News & Views Five reasons the AFL must offer an equitable pay deal for women Last year I was driving my then 5 year-old son to a birthday party, and we inevitably started talking about his own upcoming birthday party.
Business More #Girlbosses please: How you can help shift gendered expectations at work Growing up, girls are told they can become whatever kind of #Girlboss they want to be.
News & Views Privilege for Disadvantage At the Victorian Womens Lawyers Lesbia Harford address last week, writer Clem Ford argued that “Men with power cannot hold onto it and argue in favour of gender equality at the same time.
News & Views Taking the stigma out of flexible work We have discovered it is the employment, business and corporate world where human rights are for the most part being breached, affecting the lives of most Australians.
News & Views Workplaces and heart attacks: how gender inequality shows itself in some unexpected places Powerful women’: I must admit that phrase took a little getting used to.
News & Views Workplace flexibility, working parents and fixing the gender pay gap Not only is workplace flexibility for BOTH parents good for everyone involved, most men actually want
News & Views Pledge for Parity “The right to freedom can never be absolute, because it must be consistent with the freedom of others.
Business What will it take to breakthrough on gender equality? Start here It would be fair to say that I attend my fair share of conferences and events on the subject of gender equality.