Climate Sarah Hanson-Young: A ‘climate trigger’ for polluting projects is a must The Greens will introduce “climate trigger” legislation that would force the government to assess the impact of emissions from future projects.
News & Views New Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek ‘gobsmacked’ by state of Australia’s environment Australia’s new Environment and Water Minister, Tanya Plibersek shocked at “how badly we’re doing as a nation on meeting” water targets.
News & Views Prince Harry takes on the ‘rolling back of constitutional rights’ in US Prince Harry delivered a short speech to the UN General Assembly’s annual celebration of Nelson Mandela International Day in New York.
News & Views 10 First Nations changemakers standing and showing up for a better future It’s 2022 NAIDOC Week! This year’s theme is Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! Here’s a list of 10 First Nations changemakers.
Climate Recognising Indigenous knowledges is not just culturally sound, it’s good science This NAIDOC Week, with the effects of climate change affecting Australia, It’s beyond time to listen to Indigenous peoples who have extensive knowledge of caring for Country.
Climate How do we solve Australia’s energy challenges with so few women involved? This sector needs diversity The energy industry is one of the worst performing industries in female representation, and yet it also boasts as one of the highest paying industries.
News & Views The world’s most sustainable cities are led by female mayors A global sustainability index has ranked Stockholm, Oslo and Copenhagen as the three highest performing cites on sustainability measures.
Climate Hope: What climate action could look like under the new government “The recent election results have reignited hope. Australians voted, in huge numbers, for those standing for urgent action on climate change.”
News & Views Man disguised as older woman smears cake on Mona Lisa The Mona Lisa had its protective glass smeared with icing from a cake by a man disguised as an elderly woman.
Climate Finland will be a world leader on climate with its carbon negative goal The Finnish parliament approved a new Climate Change Act, that would legislate carbon neutrality by 2035 and carbon negativity by 2040.
News & Views Shell consultant tells executives to “look in the mirror” in viral LinkedIn resignation video A Shell consultant has quit in spectacular fashion after 11 years, posting a bombshell video where she accused the fossil fuel giant of “extreme harms” to the earth, climate change efforts and humanity.
Climate With Dutton as leader the coalition will never return to its roots If Peter Dutton picks up the leadership this week, as is widely reported, the Coalition will never return to moderate roots.