Ed's Blog How a single mum of nine daughters navigates work, teenage angst & her cultural heritage In 2004, a single punch rendered Daniella Borg a single mother.
Business The life of a Kakadu-based female CEO and entrepreneur An average day in the life of CEO Mikaela Jade involves flying drones, landscape mapping, story boarding with traditional land owners and coding.
Business When a private affair becomes a public issue: Why Channel 7 CEO Tim Worner has no where to hide Another day, another sex scandal.
Business Ok 2016, here’s where we landed on women in leadership and the pay gap Yes it’s the year 2016.
Ed's Blog The plan for sleep after acquiring a media business with a newborn at home Asked by a journalist yesterday what she’s learnt in 2016, Senator Penny Wong said it was the value of sleep.
Ed's Blog Confessions of a woman who has enjoyed 2016 As a first-time parent I distinctly recall walking around in a semi-permanent state of bewilderment.
Ed's Blog Why I wasn’t gobsmacked by David Leyonhjelm’s contribution to the childcare debate in Australia I was going to say that I was gobsmacked by Senator David Leyonhjelm’s summation of caring for children last week on Channel 10’s The Project as “wiping noses and stopping the kids from killing each other”.
Business What it feels like to lose your job while on maternity leave Kylie Ostle recalls being seriously excited about returning to work when her first baby approached the one year mark.
Business The travesty of Amber Sherlock gaining global notoriety for a single tense exchange Chances are, by now, you’ve seen the footage.
Business Entrepreneurship is not for all women, but employers are losing the PR fight Employers are losing the PR battle when it comes to entrepreneurship.
Ed's Blog Barnaby Joyce tells those who can’t afford a house in Sydney and Melbourne to leave We love calling politicians “out of touch”.