Entrepreneurs Nasty Gal’s Sophia Amoruso: Be a Girlboss and take charge of your own life Sophia Amoruso proudly owns the term Girlboss.
News & Views Couldn’t find a woman? Bono makes international women’s list, UN appoints Wonder Woman as Ambassador In excellent news for U2 fans, Bono has just been named on Glamour magazine’s women of the year list.
News & Views Female barristers to get a fairer go with law firms/corporates signing up to target A new 30% gender target for briefing barristers has had widespread buy-in from some of the country’s largest law firms, as well as the in-house legal teams of Telstra, Woolworths and Westpac.
Business Would you bring your parents to work, and do they know what you actually do? Workplaces can seem baffling and mysterious to some, with buzzwords and the key skills required to be successful today leaving many parents confused about what their children actually do all day in the office.
News & Views How to get a politician’s attention? Use a really big billboard The Parenthood has partnered with Fair Agenda to make it loud and clear they want Senator Nick Xenophon to stick to his original promise on paid parental leave.
News & Views How will the US election affect our money? Australian female economists rate the verdict It’s finally on! It’s Election Day in the United States and the world is watching on.
Entrepreneurs Ready to see your body mapped in 3D? Meet the woman who’s making it possible, and says it can transform your health Melody Shiue has designed everything from rapid blood testing kits to wearable ultrasound belts for pregnant woman.
Climate The stakes are high for the world: Climate Change, Global affairs and the US election It’s not just domestic policy that will be shaped by the next US president.
News & Views Women dominate the Prime Minister’s Literary awards Lisa Gorton and Charlotte Wood have been named joint winners of the 2016 Prime Minister’s Literacy Award for fiction, with the $80,000 prize divided between them.
News & Views Pauline Hanson celebrates, Turnbull promises ‘strong and effective relationship’ with Trump administration The Turnbull government wants to engage with Donald Trump’s administration quickly and constructively, to talk about the United States’ strategic interests and role in the Asia Pacific region.
Business ‘It’s my first business and I got really far’: Nasty Gal founder opens up after bankruptcy It’s been 24 hours since Sophia Amoruso’s Nasty Gal filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the United States, a business Amoruso started building ten years ago, which went on to become one of the most powerful and successful online retailers in the world.
Advice Three social media lessons from someone who’s seen inside a US presidential campaign During digital strategist Rahaf Harfoush’s first trip to Australia, she did some media appearances and discussed her experience as a full-time volunteer for the digital strategy team on Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign.