Leadership If you want a positive team culture, these are the values to carry as a leader Pippa Berlocher, the CEO for Essence Mediacom Australia and New Zealand, shares the most important values to carry as a leader.
News & Views Five personal branding tips for women ready to put themselves out there You are always one decision away from a completely different career. Opening yourself up to taking ownership of your personal brand is key.
Leadership If you feel like a failure, it’s time to rewrite your definition of success Lawyer and entrepreneur Chami Rupasinghe shares why individuals should learn to break free from their pre-existing narratives of success.
Leadership Want to make your organisation inclusive? Apply intersectional feminism Renowned cross-cultural consultant Tasneem Chopra gives a Keynote on how the role of cultural diversity informs representative leadership.
Leadership Charmaine Hunzwi on the key to understanding your ‘why’ as a community leader Juggling many hats as a multi-dimensional professional and community leader, Charmaine Hunzwi has built up a unique level of resilience.
Leadership ‘Companies need to be vigilant’: Mary Wooldridge on the reality of the gender pay gap As CEO of WGEA, Mary Wooldridge is at the forefront of change, working to make sure people’s understanding of the gender pay gap is clear.
Ed's Blog Ireland’s PM admits he’s no longer best person for the job. Others could learn from him Other world leaders could learn from Leo Varadkar, who announced his surprise decision to step down from the party leadership overnight.
News & Views Why we need to be more selective when taking on unsolicited feedback Being true to yourself and having the career and life you want involves being wise and selective with the feedback you listen to.
News & Views How to give and take feedback, according to Adam Grant We attended Adam Grant’s Unlock Hidden Potential & Transform Workplace Culture talk in Sydney last week. Here’s what we learned.
News & Views “I was paranoid that my work wouldn’t understand,” Asian-Australian Leadership Awards winner Mariam Veiszadeh on fighting islamophobia Seven extraordinary women have been recognised as influential leaders at this year’s Asian-Australian Leadership Awards.
News & Views What I learned about confidence and success when I secured my first full-time paid roles These are the five lesssons I’ve learned, after getting my first paid writing work as a stay at home mother of three in 2014.
Business Five strategies to boost your influence on LinkedIn LinkedIn has become the epicentre of professional networking and thought leadership. Here’s how to leverage it for thought leadership.