Despi O’Connor

Despi O’Connor

Seat: Flinders
Despi O’Connor is an independent candidate for the Liberal-held seat of Flinders.

O’Connor is a councillor and former mayor of the Mornington Peninsula Council. She is also a teacher and marathon runner. She quit her job as a public school teacher in order to be eligible to run for parliament.

She says she has never been a member of a political party, and believes independents can “vote on conscience unlike party members who are required to vote on party lines”.

Her three main policy platforms are climate change action, integrity in politics including the establishment of an anti-corruption commission, and equality for all, especially women.

Other female candidates running in Flinders

Pamela Engelander

Animal Justice Party for Flinders

Chrysten Abraham

Liberal Democratic Party for Flinders

Cyndi Marr

One Nation for Flinders

Dr Sarah Russell

Independent for Flinders

Zoe McKenzie

Liberals for Flinders

Surbhi Snowball

Labor for Flinders


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