I have 25 books on my desk right now. A pile of them are for research, and the other pile are either currently being read, or next on my list. Not much gives me greater joy than the anticipation of a really good book – the knowledge, thoughts, ideas, stories and just the happiness of holding that book. Yes, I am a bit of a book freak.
You will see some themes here. I am deep in writing my new book on women’s leadership, and I’m also about to come out of sabbatical for my PhD research on next generation feminism and feminine power.
So my current reading list is heavy on beautiful female energy, writers, stories and research. I hope something in here may inspire you, ignite your curiosity and fill your mind with all kinds of wonderful.
Million Dollar Women by Julia Pimsleur
The subtitle reads ‘The essential guide to taking your business further, faster’. As I take my own business to the next level, and work on creating a new start-up that is going to be epic right out of the gate, I am looking for just the right kind of business inspiration. This book dishes it in spades. Killer guide for entrepreneurs, or those thinking of taking the plunge.
Winners and How They Succeed by Alastair Campbell
If you want to know what different levels of success look like and how people create it, then you would probably like this book. I haven’t dived in yet, but it’s filled with stories and lessons from everyone from Anna Wintour, Branson, Clinton (both of them), Jobs, Buffett, Huffington and many more. Can’t wait to get stuck into this.
Donna has always been an inspiration to me. As a fashion designer, entrepreneur, philanthropist, mother, wife, wellness ambassador and health advocate, she is all kinds of amazing. This is her autobiography filled with tales of her journeys, struggles, triumphs, including the building of her empire and the tragic loss of her husband. Feminine power right there!
I started reading this on the plane to Byron a few weeks ago with my teenage son curiously looking on beside me. We have very interesting and lively discussions about feminism (he is 15). Brilliant stories of what feminism means to these women, 25 of them all under 30. It might just blow your perceptions, and your mind, right out of the water.
Millions of people have watched Amy, a Professor of Social Science at Harvard, give her TED talk on power poses and how they increase confidence (yes, the Wonder Woman pose I refer to so much in my work). This is her first book, on how to bring your boldest self to your biggest challenges. I bought the book and the audio, which I have started listening to. Well researched and filled with anecdotes it will help with your confidence and courage in how you show up. Love her.
My Life On The Road by Gloria Steinem
This is the book so many who have followed Steinem’s work, writing, activism and teachings have been waiting for. A book filled with insight into her life as a catalyst for change, that has come from a life on the road. It covers her evolution into a revolutionary who drove, and continues to lead, the movement for equality around the world. Deep bow. Eternal gratitude. Unwavering respect.
The Millionth Circle and Moving Toward The Millionth Circle by Jean Shinoda Bolen
Two incredible books about how to change the world through women’s circles. This is so core to my work, whether it’s in leadership development, coaching circles or in my research and books. Bringing women together, having new conversations, witnessing each other and hearing the real truth and what needs to change, is more powerful than we could ever know. Incredibly inspiring. More to come in this space from me.
The New Soft War on Women by Caryl Rivers and Rosalind Barnett
A new book that outlines the insidious war of subtle biases and barriers that continue to marginalize women. Filled with facts as well as tools it is a fascinating read and will open your eyes to the new subtle ways that women can be undermined at work.
We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This small bright orange book is a personal essay on what feminism means today based on the popular TEDx talk of the same name. From the back cover, “I would like to ask that we begin to dream about and plan for a different world. A fairer world, A world of happier men and women who are truer to themselves. And this is how we start: we must raise our daughters differently. We must also raise our sons differently….” Important work for us all.
So there you have it. My joyful challenge is to read as much as I write as I finish this book I am working on, pick up my PhD research again, and start the next book. What a beautiful and blessed challenge to have.