The average hourly-paid worker is 29 and female: Deputy research

The average hourly-paid worker is 29 and female: Deputy research

The average hourly worker is female and 29 years old and earning $22 an hour.

And she’s likely to have more than one job.

That’s according the Deputy’s own data and its new Hourly-Paid Workforce Index, launched for the first time today with the aim of tracking the nature of Australia’s hourly-paid workforce.

The data is based on trends identified in Deputy’s 213,000 hourly-paid users.

So what other trends can we glean from index?

Well the gender pay gap still exists amongst hourly-paid workers, but it’s slightly smaller than the national average.

Deputy identified a 14.2% gender pay gap, with men earning an average of 50 cents more an hour, meaning women have to work an hour extra a week in order to close the gap. Women make up 59% of this workforce.

And those working hourly-paid jobs often have multiple paid ‘gigs’. Deputy found 30% of hourly workers are working more than one job.

89% of the the hourly-paid workforce is working part time, compared with just 11% working full-time, and the average shift length is six hours and 40 minutes. The majority of hourly-paid workers are in hospitality (51%), although this may represent the types of industries that are likely to work with Deputy.

Meanwhile, 79% of employees using Deputy said they were impacted by the 2017 changes to penalty rates, but Deputy did not yet see a shift in demographics regarding who is working hourly-paid roles. It found that age, gender, and the amount of hours being worked on weekends and public holidays have remained stable.

Deputy found that their’s a uptick in women entering the hourly-paid workforce at 28, with the average hourly-paid worker found to be 29 and female. It says this may indicate a link between motherhood and taking up hourly paid roles.

The majority of hours worked are also being done between 10am and 2pm, which happens to coincide with school hours.


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