52,000 women facing domestic violence turned away from legal services

52,000 women facing domestic violence turned away from legal services due to funding shortages

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Around 52,000 women facing domestic violence are turned away from legal services every year due to funding shortages, new research has revealed.

Women’s Legal Services provide free legal assistance to women escaping domestic violence, but limited funding from the government has seen thousands of women unable to receive the essential service.

According to data from the peak body, Women’s Legal Services Australia (WLSA), 1,018 women around the country seeking legal help were turned away by Women’s Legal Services over a five-day period. This means every year around 52,000 women miss out on free legal help in times of family and domestic violence.

WLSA Chair Elena Rosenman said government assistance is vital in order to provide these women the help they need.

“The time for funding is now if the government is serious about standing behind Australian women and ensuring they can access the support they need to be safe, to be engaged in their recovery and actively participate in the legal system,” Rosenman said.

“Women’s Legal Services are focused on achieving justice, safety and equality for women, yet our capacity to make long-lasting and significant improvements for women has been restricted by chronic underfunding.”

Economic analysis from the Australia Institute in 2020 found Women’s Legal Services require at least $25 million each year to meet the demand.

Today, WLSA published its 2024 Federal Budget Submission, requesting the government provide additional funding of at least $10 million to Women’s Legal Services.

“Within the 2024/25 budget, there is an opportunity to break this devastating cycle of unmet demand for women in crisis,” Rosenman said. 

Government responses to family and domestic violence have involved funding educational programs, national frameworks and independent inquiries.

Last week, the government announced an inquiry to look into how the justice system responds to cases of sexual violence. Meanwhile, earlier this year, the government released a new national framework on consent messaging and the promotion of healthy sexual relationships.

While WLSA Chair Rosenman welcomes these responses, noting their importance, she urges the government not to forget about frontline services, including legal assistance.

“These steps are integral to moving Australia towards a culture where women are safe and respected, but this is not backed by sufficient investment in frontline services,” Rosenman said.

“With gender inequality clearly on the government’s radar, we must see investment in the safety and future of Australia’s women by sustainably funding Women’s Legal Services to support and champion their experiences and needs.”


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