Women's Safety research group ANROWS appoints Sam Mostyn as chair

Women’s Safety research group ANROWS appoints Sam Mostyn as chair

AFL’s first female commissioner and champion of the AFL’s Respect and Responsibility Policy, Sam Mostyn, has been named as Chair of Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS).

Mostyn brings a diverse and impressive amount of experience to the new role. During her career, she’s held positions across corporate, government, sports, arts, and international development and civil society fields; from Chief of the Defence Force’s Women’s Advisory Group, Reconciliation Australia, National Mental Health Commission. Mostyn is also currently a non-executive director of Virgin, Mirvac, Transurban and is the Chair of Citibank Australia.

“Sam brings her breadth of experience, unwavering sense of social responsibility and good governance to ANROWS at an exciting time,” said CEO of ANROWS Dr Heath Nancarrow at Mostyn appointment.

ANROWs is an independent, not-for-profit company established under Australia’s National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010 – 2022. Their mission is to translate and deliver relevant research, driving policy and practice to reduce levels of violence against women and their children.

Showing her commitment to reducing the rates of domestic and family violence and sexual assault in Australia, Mostyn said on her appointment: “The extent of domestic, family and sexual violence against women and their children in Australia is simply unacceptable.”

“I am extremely proud to be serving an organisation that is confronting such a serious and complex social issue.  I am honoured by the appointment and hope to bring experience from a wide range of sectors and industries that supports the work of ANROWS.”

The board is currently gearing up to showcase the leading researchers and practitioners in our sector next month at Acting on Evidence – the ANROWS 2nd National Conference.”

Congratulation Sam!



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