Padma Raman appointed Executive Director of Office for Women

Padma Raman appointed Executive Director of the Federal Office for Women


Padma Raman has been appointed to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet as the Executive Director of the Federal Office for Women.

Raman, who has been the CEO of Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) since July 2021, is also a ANU Council Member, and celebrated leader for her contributions to reducing violence against women. 

Chancellor of The Australian National University (ANU), the Hon Julie Bishop congratulated Raman last Friday, describing her appointment as “stellar.”

“The Australian Government could not have selected a stronger leader for this vital role,” Bishop said. “Padma has been a champion for women and their children for many years and has worked tirelessly to make significant and long-lasting change.”

Bishop reflected on the ways Raman has “helped to shape Australia’s national efforts to end violence against women and their children, and raise public awareness and conversations on how we can strive to achieve this goal.”

“We have no doubt she will continue to be a force for positive change for all women and children in her new role,” Bishop said. 

In a statement released on the same day, ANROWS Board Chair, Sam Mostyn AO praised Raman’s efforts during her time as CEO of the organisation, which according to Mostyn, “successfully grew” under Raman’s leadership.

Mostyn commended her former colleague for “securing additional funding for priority research, strengthening internal research and evaluation capacity, and building the infrastructure of ANROWS to ensure long term sustainability.”

“Listening deeply and working closely with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researchers, Padma has begun the process to deepen ANROWS’ relationship with and support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led research,” Mostyn said

“As a result of Padma’s leadership both at ANROWS and in the family, domestic and sexual violence sector, ANROWS has become widely recognised as the leading, authoritative voice to end violence against women and children.”


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