It’s. Just. Not. Fair. When grown men act like toddlers.
Life’s just not fair for Donald Trump.
He’s got the business smarts to avoid paying taxes for 18 years, the bullshitting abilities to somehow charm a large chunk of the US population into believing he offers a quick fix solution to their disillusionment, and ‘the fame’ to just keep kissing beautiful ladies.
But here he is so close to the White House with just one thing standing in his way: A woman.
The upcoming election – the one that hasn’t happened yet – must be rigged. The Republican Party – the one that enabled him to be one of two people up for election – must be in on it against him. The media is bias, the lot of them. And the woman he’s just lost two debates to? Well surely she’s on performance enhancing drugs.
Trump’s probably never been beaten by a woman before, which makes his stumble during the final sprint for the ultimate victory so enjoyable for the rest of us to watch.
No wonder Trump’s behaving like a toddler being told he can’t eat the candy in front of him. He’s used to getting everything he wants and doing whatever is necessary to make it happen. Now he has to rely on some democratic process for the final piece of his world domination.
So President Barack Obama couldn’t have said it better this morning when he told Trump to simply “stop whining”.
Obama made the comment during a news conference in the Rose Garden after meeting with the Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi. He said Trump should simply get on with his current job of trying to make a case for winning more votes, and that it’s “unprecedented” for any candidate to try and “discredit the elections” before the actual election.
But then the unfairness of the situation for Trump is also “unprecedented”. No other presidential candidate has ever had to go up against a woman!
It’s seriously unfair, especially for a man who’s gotten everything in life.
So what’s left to do but “whine before the game’s even over” as Obama put it.
Indeed, Trump has long embraced the label of “whiner”, telling a CNN interview last year that “I do whine because I want to win and I’m not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win.”
It doesn’t look like Trump will win this one. Expect the whining to continue – especially with rumours circulating that his next step will be to create Trump TV, a new television network dedicated to his own whining.