Yesterday author, broadcaster, columnist and speaker Clementine Ford posed a question on Twitter that spawned hundreds and hundreds of questions in reply. It began with this.
@Clementine_Ford: “Question to the male writers/speakers etc out there. Is it common for you to be called an ‘attention seeker’? Or do just women get that?”
The hashtag #QuestionsforMen was soon trending with many men and women playing along. The responses effectively highlighted the different expectations that are placed upon men and women in their homes, at work and in public life. Whilst many of these questions are levelled at women regularly, they seem comical when reversed.
These are 15 of our favourite #QuestionsforMen
Clementine Ford @clementine_ford
When you put effort into your appearance, are you ever told that you’re asking to be harassed?
Have you ever read an article telling you how to get ‘swimsuit ready’?
Have you ever been in the middle of a professional task and been told to #sshhhcalmdown?
Jane Caro @JaneCaro
In a job interview have you ever been asked how you will juggle work and home?
Do you often get accused that your opinion or point of view is letting men down?
Now you’re a certain age do you ever get asked if you are considering (voice drops to whisper) getting ‘work done’?
If you share the load at home do people constantly tell your wife how lucky she is?
As a parent do you feel guilty about going to work?
When you do something around the house do you expect to be praised and thanked?
Jessica Whitt @WhittyIdeas
Have you ever debated removing your wedding ring for a job interview to improve your chances of success?
Mikey Nicholson @Mikey_Nicholson
Have you ever expressed a strong opinion and been called a meninazi?
Stephanie Rhoden @stephrhoden
Are new dads ever told they’re “lucky” because the new mum is “so good with the baby. She really helps out a lot”?
Kirsty Webeck @KirstArific
When you achieve something great, do you expect the female reporter to say, ‘give us a twirl, who are you wearing?’
Merlin M @MissyMerlin
Has anybody suggested that you’re employed solely as a “diversity hire”?
Felicity Reynolds @FlickReynolds
When you became Prime Minister of Australia did discussion of the length of your jackets almost break twitter?
As you might expect, there have been accusations that this exercise is sexist itself and that it disregards the sexism that men face. The questions, however, speak for themselves. How many men have been asked these questions? I suspect very few. It doesn’t mean that men don’t face assumptions and expectations stemming from their gender; but they don’t face these ones.
What #QuestionsforMen would you add?