The awards for the most sexist remarks of the year are in - Women's Agenda

The awards for the most sexist remarks of the year are in

Meredith Burgman
The ‘winners’ of the 26th Annual Ernie Awards for Sexism were determined at a dinner last night at NSW Parliament House.

And there were  plenty of sexist comments and actions to be shared from the past year, with 234 nominations in total.
Ernies founder Dr Meredith Burgmann (pictured) described it as a particularly “gruesome year” with numerous high standard entries.

There was also an “avalanche” of late nominations for the entire Liberal Party Room, for giving just 11 votes to its most popular candidate for leader.

Burgmann conceded that once again, she failed to pick the overall winner.

“Every year I think we won’t get enough terrible quotes to have the awards and every year I am overwhelmed with shocking nominations,” she said. “How could Barnaby Joyce chuck his own girlfriend under the bus with his “grey area” speech, and how could David Leyonhjelm tell a female Senator to “stop shagging men”?

The Gold Ernie went to Cricket Australia for its sacking of a female employee after social media comments about abortion, while Barnaby Joyce took home the Political Silver Ernie for saying the best “protection” for his girls would be to get themselves a husband.

Sky News’ Outisders program was also in the mix, and Tony Abbott was named the ‘repeat offender’ (again). This year he said that removing the tampon tax would be a “politically correct mistake”, among other things.

Below are the ‘winners’ of the Ernie Awards.

Gold Ernie

Cricket Australia for sacking a female employee, Angela Williamson after she campaigned for abortion reform on social media.

Political Silver Ernie

Barnaby Joyce – referring to his daughters during the Equal Marriage campaign, “We know that the best protection for those girls is that they get themselves into a secure relationship with a loving husband, and I want that to happen.”

Media Silver Ernie

Tim Blair – “February 11: International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Frankly, wasn’t it better when they used rabbits.”

Celebrity Silver Ernie

Don Burke who used his self-diagnosed Asperger’s syndrome to excuse sexual harassment charges against him.

Sport Silver Ernie (The Warney)

Cricket Australia for sacking a female employee, Angela Williamson after she campaigned for abortion reform on social media.

Judicial Silver Ernie

Magistrate Michael Barko who described a domestic assault charge as “a lower-end allegation that happens in every second house” and accused the woman of “slapping the court in the face” for failing to turn up.

Industrial Silver Ernie – dead heat between

Coopers Hotel Newtown for posting on social media “Keep calm and slap a bitch as we approach the finals of this year’s NRL!”

Sky News The Outsiders program –  After criticism of the sexist attack on Sarah Hanson-Young, they sacked the junior woman producer who wrote the strapline, the only woman working on the show.

The Elaine (for remarks least helpful to the Sisterhood)

Minister Michaelia Cash – “If you want to start discussing staff matters, be very, very careful. Because I’m happy to sit here and name every young woman in Mr Shorten’s office over which rumours in this place abound. ”

The Good Ernie (For Boys Behaving Better)

Former Sydney Swans player, Brandon Jack – “The following statement is true: rape culture is real. If you roll your eyes at these words, dismissing the idea as an overreaction by hypersensitive feminists, then you are part of the problem. This is something we can no longer hide from – so please, don’t weep for your toxic masculinity.”

The Trump (for repeat offender)

Tony Abbott (again)


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