Two of Australia’s most prominent human rights activists, Grace Tame and Nyadol Nyuon, are using this year’s International Women’s Day to spotlight how women, who are disproportionately affected by poverty, are also the solution to defeating it– particularly in times of economic uncertainty.
The two powerhouse activists are teaming up with CARE Australia to relaunch the Her Circle initiative, speaking to the fact that when one woman escapes poverty, she brings four others with her– the ‘multiplier effect’.
Working to tackle economic and social disadvantage, the campaign is calling on Australians to bring together friends, colleagues and networks to celebrate the incredible power that women hold in their communities.
This is especially important during a climate of financial uncertainty and increasing geopolitical tensions as the campaign recognises that women are the changemakers for themselves and others, whether they’re authors, lawyers, friends, teachers, colleagues, sisters or mothers.
“When women lead, entire communities benefit, ” said CARE Australia’s Head of Capability and Impact, Suzi Chinnery. “We’re calling on all people in Australia to recognise and celebrate the value of women’s contributions across every industry and community.”
Speaking on the power of this call-to-action, Australian activist and author, Grace Tame said, “Supporting women to overcome poverty starts with the awareness that poverty can come in different forms. I know women in my ‘circle’ that have access to resources and wealth but, by virtue of their circumstances, are still oppressed by barriers and constructs of society.”
“Oppression can be a vicious cycle passed down from generation to generation — and even passed on, from men to women. As someone who has experienced firsthand the trauma of gender-based inequality and oppression, it is extremely important to me, and close to my heart, to work with CARE Australia as an ambassador for Her Circle 2023.”
Rejoining CARE Australia as an ambassador for the second year running of Her Circle, Australian lawyer, human rights advocate and mainstream media commentator, Nyadol Nyuon said the campaign “is a worthy mission as it services as an act of remaining vigilant, and there continues to be reasons for that vigilance.”
“While we have seen efforts in Australia to close the gender pay gap, that progress has stalled and women continue to be underrepresented in leadership positions,” said Nyuon. “This goes to show that we cannot become complacent. We must continue to fight so that our sisters can enjoy equal access to power, to resources — and to the right not just to survive, but to thrive.”
“Women continue to shoulder unfair heavy burdens — particularly those women who already face other intersecting forms of discrimination.”
And yet, it’s these women, Nyuon says, that are the ones stepping up and leading in the face of “ever evolving challenges like the climate crisis.”
“When women are elevated, they work to bring others along with them and make decisions that benefit others as well as themselves,” adds Nyuon.
Tame says this multiplier effect from women lifting each other up is what creates intergenerational change, adding that she’s seen this first hand when women are given opportunities to lead and make decisions over their own lives.
“It’s essential to have ongoing discussions at all levels and put pressure on decision-makers to ensure the right legislation, policies, and opportunities are in place to support women and fast track equality all around the world,” said Tame.