Henry Pike wins preselection to replace Andrew Laming despite reports of fat-shaming and sexism

Henry Pike wins preselection to replace Andrew Laming despite reports of fat-shaming and sexism

Henry Pike

Henry Pike has won preselection for the federal seat of Bowman and will replace MP Andrew Laming.

Pike, who was the sole male candidate in the Liberal National Party’s preselection battle for the Brisbane seat, was selected by branch members despite recent claims that he allegedly made fat shaming and sexist comments as a Young Liberal.

Prior to his preselection win, Pike told Sky News he would not make the same comments today, after a series of messages from more than a decade ago were published. The messages were published after a complaint was made by a female LNP member.

“(It) states quite clearly in the Bible that f****** a fat chick is a sin beyond redemption,” one message allegedly from Pike said, as reported by Sky News on Thursday.

“I walked in on a scene of absolute sexual carnage…we had…in bed with what could only be described as a small planet,” another published message said.

In a statement, Pike said the leaked messages are not a reflection of who he is now, and as a father, he believes everyone should be treated respectfully.

“Twelve years ago I was part of a private group chat that doesn’t reflect the person I’ve grown to be,” Pike said in the statement.

“Like lots of men, I’m embarrassed about some of the things I said when I was younger and would never say today. And like many fathers, I will teach my children that everyone deserves respect.”

Pike was the only man in the preselection battle, among four female candidates including Redlands mayor Karen Williams and barrister Maggie Forrest, who is the LNP’s honorary legal counsel.

Pike’s preselection victory will see him take Andrew Laming’s place at the next federal election. Laming will not recontest the seat after allegations the MP harassed women online, and took a photograph of a woman while her underwear was exposed. Laming was forced to apologise for the behaviour, but maintains the allegations made had misrepresented him.

Senator Amanda Stoker, the assistant minister for women, backed Pike over the four women vying for preselection for the seat.

Federal opposition leader Anthony Albanese expressed dismay at the outcome of preselection in Bowman on Sunday.

“So the LNP had a range of female candidates for preselection to choose from including local Mayor Karen Williams to replace to disgraced Andrew Laming but of course they chose this bloke,” Albanese wrote on Twitter.


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