Marriage Equality has happened, at last: 'This is Australia'

Marriage Equality has happened, at last: ‘This is Australia’

Marriage equality has been legalised in Australia, following the passage of the same-sex marriage bill through the lower house late this afternoon.

“What a day for love, equality and respect,” said Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

“It’s time for more marriages, more commitment, more love and more respect.

“This is Australia.”

There were scenes of jubilation inside and outside Parliament following the vote, at one point members started singing: “I am, you are, we are Australian.”

Opposition leader Bill Shorten said, “Now is the time for healing, to put this debate behind us.”

“We should declare we are no longer a nation of people who voted no or people who voted yes, we are simply one.”

More than 100 lower house MPs spoke on the bill, which was expected to be passed earlier today.

Just five members remained in the house to vote no.


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