But she left the Forum with a new song penned about her and her daughter, including the line that she’s the “new star in the sky, that shines so bright up above, you are the one to unite us all”.
Ardern is still breastfeeding her 11 week old baby who is too young to get the necessary vaccinations she’d need to go to Nauru. As such, Ardern needed to cut her trip short and travel separately to her Deputy — requiring an additional flight.
Ardern said she couldn’t miss the Forum, nor could she leave her daughter for the full three days, declaring it a “unique set of circumstances.”
She later added what many working mothers can relate to, “you’re damned if you do, you’re damned if you don’t.”
Despite grievances over the additional flight (which Ardern later declared required no additional funding), Ardern’s presence in Nauru was certainly noted and celebrated.
Nauru President Baron Waqa penned the song as a tribute to Ardern and played it during a break in proceedings on Wednesday.
It included a verse dedicated to Ardern’s daughter, with the line “A little baby-star is born”.
“Neve Te Aroha, full of love, her future is bright and secure. With all our plans fulfilled, our golden year 2018.
“A festive and joyus Nauru, we’ll never forget Aotearoa our friend.”
Ardern watched on, filming the song on her phone, while President Waqa played it on his guitar, backed by an all-male choir.
“Let the flag fly high New Zealand.
Let the whole world know.
We’ll build a strong Pacific.
Our Pacific our Island our will
United we stand.
In one blue Pacific.”
You can watch the full video of the song here.