'No... I haven't quit comedy': Hannah Gadsby has new live show

‘No… I haven’t quit comedy’: Hannah Gadsby has a new live show

Hannah Gadsby
If, like all of us in the office here, you were left begging for more from Hannah Gadsby and worrying that she really was quitting comedy following her brilliant live show Nanette, you are in luck.

The Australian comedian has announced a new live show, named after her dog Douglas, and set to premiere in Melbourne in March, before going on to tour the United States .

“I have some news,” she announced on Instagram. “I’m going on a world tour with a brand new show that I’ve called ‘Douglas’. So no… I haven’t quit comedy.”

Nanette initially premiered in Australia in 2017. It found a global audience after being picked up by Netflix midway through 2018.

And Gadsby again grabbed international praise when she delivered her stunning ‘Good Men’ speech at the Women in Entertainment gala late last year.

Gadsby told The Hollywood Report that her new show will feature material inspired by some of the lessons learned following the success of Nanette. She said her “whole life and world has changed” following the release of the show and that rather than “trying to learn a whole new skill set” she’s better off translating her creativity into what she already knows: comedy.

“There’s a certain amount of comfort in going back on stage in an environment that I’m somewhat familiar with — although it’s my first U.S. tour. It’s still new,” she said.

“After what I did with Nanette, I’m not going backwards; I’m going to keep pushing forwards — and probably upsetting some comedy purists again. We can’t please everyone!”

Gadsby’s written one show every year for her entire stand-up career, and said she tends to put out material based on what she’s thinking about at the time. She said that this year she has a “whole new sort of life” that she’s wrangling with. “I’m deeply unsettled by the amount of positive attention that I’m getting; the negative attention, I’m well learned in handling that!”

“The show is around my inability to wrangle positive attention. I’ll talk about that and expect applause at the end, which is a contradiction. But that’s life!”


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