Public school students in NSW to get free access to pads and tampons

Public school students in NSW to get free access to pads and tampons


Public school students across New South Wales will soon be provided with free tampons and pads at school.

Following a successful trial in 31 schools in South Western Sydney and Dubbo, the NSW government has announced it will roll out a $30 million program to ensure students across NSW are provided with free access to pads and tampons at school.

The program is expected to be rolled out in every public school in the state by the end of June, 2022.

NSW Education Minister Sarah Mitchell said getting your period at school should not be a barrier to education.

“This program is providing schools with dispensers, tampons and pads for free and is supporting young women’s health, engagement and attendance at school,” Mitchell said in a statement with the announcement.

“I want our young women to feel comfortable in knowing they have access to free sanitary products when they need.”

The NSW government has said it will work with each school in the state to discuss options for the location of the dispensers, and to facilitate installation through external contractors.

“This great initiative is about ensuring our young women have the support they need, with dignity and without barriers, as they continue their education journey,” NSW Minister for Women, Bronnie Taylor  said.

“By openly discussing periods, endometriosis and reproductive health we are removing the taboo around women’s health issues.

“This announcement could not come at a better time, with the 2022 NSW Women’s Week kicking off [today]. This year’s celebration of women has a strong focus on providing better health outcomes for women across the state.”

The news follows a report from Share the Dignity last year, that found 1 in 5 people who menstruate in Australia have had to improvise when it comes to period products because they are unable to afford pads, tampons or reusable products. Almost half of respondents to the survey said they have worn a pad or a tampon for longer than recommended because they did not have enough to change them more frequently.


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