'A gradual journey': The healthy habits I learned after pregnancy and breastfeeding

‘A gradual journey’: The healthy habits I learned after pregnancy and breastfeeding

healthy pregnancy

Pregnancy, childbirth and the newborn stage are experiences that differ for every woman, yet we feel an overwhelming pressure for our journeys to meet societal expectations.

Among the chaos of morning sickness and going through changes to your body, it’s difficult not to get lost or overwhelmed in the information shared both online and offline. Through my journey as a mum of two boys, I’ve picked up valuable insights that will guide my approach to my third.

After the birth of my first son, I fell pregnant not long after with my second and whilst I feel incredibly grateful, it certainly took its toll on my body. I rapidly gained weight at both the pregnancy and breastfeeding stage because of cravings and hunger-induced nausea, two aspects of my experience that I found incredibly difficult to initially control. The only way to reduce the nausea was to eat something, leading to excess weight gain. This continued into the next 12 months of breastfeeding, where the body’s additional caloric demands to maintain steady expression saw me continue reaching for snacks.

These habits resulted in me reaching my heaviest weight at 86kg and significantly diminished my self-confidence. While weight gain during pregnancy is completely normal and healthy, 22 months post-partum I was 20 kilos heavier, and made little progress returning to my pre-pregnancy weight. Knowing that I wanted to be fit and healthy enough to look after my young children, I decided to embark on a weight loss journey with The 1:1 Diet and with the support of my fantastic Consultant, Michelle, I lost over 20 kgs post-partum and felt more confident than ever.

In World Breastfeeding Week and currently pregnant with my third child, I’m reflecting on my experiences of what I want to change third time round. I have established routines and gained knowledge that fills me with confidence that I can keep myself and my baby healthy, and importantly, savour and enjoy each moment. It may feel like an impossible task in the moment, but I’m here to reassure women that there are ways to regain control over your health and body image, whether that be weight loss or learning to love your new body.

Vicky Brinks with her family

Managing expectations as a new mum

Managing expectations as a new mum involves finding a balance between your hopes and the reality of motherhood. It’s essential to be flexible and understand that it’s normal for things not to go as planned.

Embracing the fact that your body is changing and coming to terms with the idea that it may take time to achieve your pre-baby weight is so important for mental wellbeing. Set realistic goals, seek support, and be patient with yourself as you navigate the joys and challenges of being a new mum.

Routines that I’m bringing into my third time breastfeeding

For my third pregnancy, I feel so much more prepared and have a more relaxed mindset. I’m focusing on self-care, being flexible, and not putting too much pressure on myself.  

I’d love to be able to maintain a healthy weight when my baby is born, so I’m aiming to continue eating a balanced diet and relying on the support of my husband, friends, family and consultant along the way.

What worked well for me in my previous pregnancies was establishing a consistent breastfeeding schedule and staying well-hydrated – having a bottle of water nearby was crucial whilst breastfeeding because often thirst can be mistaken for hunger.

What’s just as important, is ensuring that all your meals are nutrient dense and will keep you full, giving your body everything it needs to make a steady supply for your baby. Keeping easy to eat snacks which are both nutrient rich and filling was super helpful for the times that I was on the go, or just after feeding.

These routines not only ensured that my baby was getting the nutrition he needed, but also played a crucial role in managing the hunger and cravings that often accompany breastfeeding.

My experience with post-partum weight loss

Reflecting on my experience with postpartum weight loss, I’ve learnt that it’s a gradual journey requiring patience and self-compassion. It may seem daunting initially, but even the smallest changes can have a big impact on yourself and your relationship with your body and your newborn baby.

I saw the biggest changes through implementing the healthy habits that I learnt whilst on The 1:1 Diet, including eating tasty food that’s rich in protein and low in fat and finding time for gentle exercise. Balancing my wellness with the demands of new motherhood was key, and celebrating small victories with a personal consultant along the way made the process more rewarding.

Support from a team looking out for my health was crucial for my journey, as well as ease of access to ensure I had no excuses to keep my routine up.


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