The economy is rigged, especially against women. Winnie Byanyima’s call to get angry - Women's Agenda

The economy is rigged, especially against women. Winnie Byanyima’s call to get angry

There are eight men in the world who own as much wealth as the poorest half of humanity.

That’s a stat Winnie Byanyima, executive director of Oxfam International, shared today in his opening address at Progress 2017. As she said: That extreme wealth is undermining democracy and social cohesion, and doesn’t make “moral, economic or social sense.”

Speaking at Melbourne Town Hall, Winnie said that not enough of us are accepting the moral argument against economic inequality. “We have an economy that is built for the 1% and is rigged against the rest of us,” she said.

“Rich men benefit from exploiting women at the bottom of the economic pile.”

Winnie told the audience of mainly NGOs that the world is right now at a crossroads: it’s a more selfish, less welcoming place, and has become one where she’s not certain she would get the same chances as she did arriving in the UK as a refugee when she was just 18. “If I arrived today as a little girl refugee, would I be accepted?”

Winnie added Australia can break out of “dirty fuels” and lead on tackling climate change, as long as enough people stand up to political and economic elites. Rich countries, she added, must lead on bringing in new, sustainable tech.

“The elites will try to push us back but we must stand firm and embrace the anger out there. It can change the world.”

She told the audience they can be more than just passive observers. They can be change makers. She said “anger can change the world”, along with the creative and powerful energies of young people.

“Friends, have hope. Be optimistic. Be angry and be resilient,” she said. And while facts are essential in fighting for change, she believes using language of emotion, love and empathy is just as important.

She added that she remains positive and optimistic because she’s “seen change happen” and “women making huge gains for themselves.”



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