YWCA Australia and CommBank partner to fight against financial abuse

Supporting victim-survivors of financial abuse: YWCA Australia and CommBank partner up

Financial Abuse

YWCA Australia is partnering with CommBank to support victim-survivors of financial abuse

This particular abuse is one of the most powerful ways an abuser can keep a partner or family member trapped in an abusive relationship. Financial abuse can even impact the person’s ability to stay safe after leaving the relationship. 

The two organisations are raising funds and awareness to support the cause via the Next Chapter CanGive appeal. 

The appeal is part of CommBank Next Chapter, the bank’s long standing initiative to address the issue of financial abuse, perpetrated through domestic and family violence.

Commbank customers will have the opportunity to support victim-survivors of financial abuse by donating funds to YWCA through the bank’s CanGive donation platform in its app. 

YWCA Australia is an evolving intersectional feminist organisation working towards a future where gender equality is a reality for young women, women and gender diverse people. The organisation provides women and their families with tailored support to help them feel safe and stabilise their finances to create a better life. 

Commbank has said it will dollar match up to a combined total of $300,000. 

“At CommBank, we’ve had a longstanding focus on addressing the issue of domestic violence and financial abuse. Through our work in this space, we know the devastating impact financial abuse can have and we want victim-survivors to get back on their feet,” says Claire Dawson, Executive Manager Community Investment at CommBank. “By partnering with YWCA Australia, along with the generous support of our customers, we hope to help those impacted when they need it most.” 

Donations collected will go to a range of initiatives that directly support victim-survivors. Just $5 could help them connect safely to crisis services and $50 could provide fuel for a victim-survivor to maintain independence. Donations could also provide essential toiletries, essential food for the week and pay for return public transport costs to allow victim-survivors to go to essential appointments. 

Almost 40 per cent of the adult population have experienced or know someone who has experienced financial abuse, according to a June 2020 community attitudes survey of over 10,000 Australians, commissioned by CommBank and conducted by YouGov. 

“Financial abuse is insidious and prevalent in Australia. It’s hard to spot, and it can be debilitating for women,” says Michelle Phillips, CEO of YWCA Australia. “By partnering with CommBank and through the donations received via CanGive, we will be able to fund our services and programs which provide victim-survivors of domestic violence and financial abuse with the support they need to feel safe, regain their financial independence and create the future they want.”

1 in 4 women have experienced at least one incident of violence perpetrated by an intimate partner, according to a 2016 Personal Safety Survey by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. 

One of those women, Rachel, was affected by partner abuse and says, “I was isolated because he didn’t want me going out and meeting anyone. He controlled my access to phones and computers.” 

Rachel was in a controlling and financially abusive relationship but was able to find support through YWCA Australia who gave her access to safe and affordable accommodation. 

“I now feel hopeful about my future,” she says. 

Donations to victim-survivors can help support women like Rachel to take the next step towards long-term financial independence and escape financial abuse. 


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