Revealed: The 106 best employers for women in Australia - Women's Agenda

Revealed: The 106 best employers for women in Australia

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency has today released its annual list of Employers of Choice for Gender Equality.

This year the list features 106 companies, up from 90 last year and 76 in 2014, despite more rigorous criteria. WGEA Director Libby Lyons said the growing list indicated that the business benefits and competitive advantage gained by addressing gender equality in the workplace were becoming more widely recognised.

“Employers increasingly recognise that equal participation by women and men at all levels of an organisation is good for workplace culture and performance,” Lyons said. “WGEA data shows there is progress towards gender equality in Australian workplaces, but it is too slow. It is only through more employers taking the initiative to promote gender equality in the workplace that we will see the pace of change pick up.”

The organisations that made the cut range from small professional services firms to very large organisations including universities and banks, with male-dominated, female-dominated and mixed industries represented. Trends among this year’s recipients which span industries from transport, engineering, manufacturing, insurance and law, include:

• flexibility for all employees across an organisation

• programs to support women into leadership and technical positions

• tailored parental leave and return-to-work policies

• supporting men’s caring responsibilities

• robust analysis and correction of gender pay gaps.

The top 106 employers of women in Australia this year are: 

Accenture Australia Ltd

AECOM Australia Pty Ltd

Alcoa of Australia Limited


Allianz Australia Services Pty Limited

American Express Australia Limited

AMP Limited

ARC@UNSW Limited

Arup Pty Limited


ASX Limited

Aurecon Australasia Pty Ltd

Aurizon Holdings Limited

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited

Australian Catholic University

AustralianSuper Pty Ltd

B & McK Services Trust

Baker & McKenzie

Baxter Healthcare Pty Ltd

Becton Dickinson Pty Ltd




Caltex Australia Limited Limited

Citigroup Pty Limited

Clayton Utz

Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers

Corrs Chambers Westgarth

Credit Union Australia Ltd

Curtin University

Deakin University

Deloitte Australia

DLA Piper Australia

Dow Chemical (Australia) Pty. Ltd.

Edith Cowan University


First State Super

GE Australia Pty Ltd


GHD Services Pty Ltd

Gilbert + Tobin

Griffith University


Henry Davis York

Herbert Smith Freehills

Holding Redlich

HSBC Bank Australia Limited

Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

K&L Gates

King & Wood Mallesons (Australia)

Konica Minolta Business Solutions Australia Pty Ltd

KPMG Australia

La Trobe University

Lauriston Girls’ School

Lend Lease Corporation Limited

Little Company of Mary Health Care Limited


McCullough Robertson Lawyers

McKinsey and Company

Medibank Private Limited

Mercedes-Benz Australia/Pacific Pty Ltd

Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Australia Pty Ltd

Merck Sharp & Dohme (Australia) Pty Ltd

Mercy Health

Minter Ellison

Mirvac Group

Monash University

National Australia Bank Limited

Norton Rose Fulbright Australia

Origin Energy Limited

Peoplebank Australia Limited


Philip Morris Limited

PPG Industries Australia Pty Ltd

Publicis Loyalty


Queensland Country Credit Union Limited


SAP Australia Pty Ltd

Shell Australia Pty

St Barbara Limited



Swinburne University of Technology

Tabcorp Holdings Limited

TAL Services Limited

Teachers Health Fund

Teachers Mutual Bank Limited

Telstra Corporation Limited

The Law Society of New South Wales

The University of Newcastle

ThoughtWorks Australia Pty Ltd

Transurban Limited


University of Canberra

University of Southern Queensland

University of Technology Sydney

University of Wollongong

UOW Enterprises

VMware Australia Pty Ltd


Western Sydney University

Westpac Group

YWCA Canberra




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