The Case for Single Sex Organisations - Women's Agenda

The Case for Single Sex Organisations

“Is your company sexist?”

It’s not the type of question you’d expect to be met with laughter.

However, as the Executive Directors of a women’s only organisation, we’re asked if we’re anti men with such regularity, it’s become a bit of a joke.

Our company, Business in Heels is an international networking organisation for women founded in Australia with more than 30 branches across the world.

For the record, the company is in no way anti-men – We know men are fabulous in their own right. However, statistics consistently show that women continue to be at a disadvantage professionally.

In Australia, women are paid less than men for the same work and that pay gap is growing. Women are also less likely to hold managerial and CEO positions and are more likely to be harassed.

The numbers are equally grim in places like Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Tibet, three countries that also happen to have thriving Business in Heels branches.

The rapid, largely organic growth of Business in Heels across the world and the rise of female start-up incubators and co-working spaces is testament to the fact that women need and appreciate single sex organisations.

As an organisation, Business in Heels is about connecting women with resources, opportunity and choice. We also provide a safe environment for women to form relationships without feeling overpowered by the size of the crowd.

Business in Heels is also based on the idea that women ‘do business’ differently.

Anecdotally we know that women tend to meet someone, get to know them and form friendships before doing business together. For men, it’s often the other way around.  

For this reason, Business in Heels places the emphasis on fun (with purpose).  There are no quotas, clipboards nor name badges.  Rather, women make authentic connections over cocktails and glasses of champagne and prizes are awarded at the end of the night for ‘best heels’.

Our networking organisations also provides a non-judgemental forum for women to share problems, learn to ask for what they want and remove the emotion from the word ‘no.’

According to news reports, 65 percent of new business comes from referrals and 80 percent of today’s jobs are landed through networking. This proves the importance of networking to get ahead.

Business in Heels is about connecting women with resources, opportunity and choice. If men believe in that and can help us achieve that, then welcome aboard.

First – Arrive Early, Leave Late

This can’t be over-stated. You can only work the room if you are in the room and the longer you’re in it the longer you can work it.

Second – Come Prepared

There’s nothing more embarrassing in an initial professional meeting than not having a business card to hand over when the person you are talking to is offering you theirs. Avoid this unprofessional look by arriving with far more than you think you are going to need.

Third – Bring a Friend/Colleague

 Having an associate or friend close helps to break the ice with others and can eliminate one of the greatest fears – standing alone. You may not stay together all evening, but having someone next to you as you walk through the door provides an enormous confidence boost to some of us.

And finally – Listen

Only by listening can we establish the needs of others, their problems and desires. Armed with this knowledge, we can then source solutions for these deficiencies and offer the help they have turned up to receive.  If you leave a networking event with a trail of people you have helped behind you, what do you get in return? A trail of people wanting to help you right back. That’s how you gain from networking.

About Business in Heels: Business in Heels is an international networking organisation for women. Meeting regularly, events provide easy opportunities for entrepreneurial women to learn about each other’s companies, offer assistance and develop targeted and purposeful connections. Business in

Heels understands that women do it differently and provides the avenue for start-ups with lots to absorb and seasoned ladies savvy with the right mindset to mingle and learn, listen and mentor. For more information visit:


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