Continuing crisis calls for another Women & COVID19 Conference

The continuing coronavirus crisis calls for another Women & COVID19 Conference

Women & COVID19 Conference

Back in May I teamed up with Lisa Bryant to host the Women & COVID-19 Conference, proudly supported by Women’s Agenda

Over two nights we hosted 20 sessions presented by some of Australia’s most sought-after female speakers. We had over 1500 registrations to presentations by Jess Hill, Jamila Rizvi, Jane Caro, Eva Cox, Dr Chelsea Bond, Dr Neela Janakiramanan, Carly Findlay & more on some of the issues uniquely affecting women during the pandemic. 

It came about due to the complexities and uncertainty being faced by women as a result of coronavirus. The really bad, terrible, no good news is that these remain incredibly complicated and uncertain times, that are proving particularly punitive for women. A cohort, it needs to be said, who could least afford a recession, let alone a positively fluorescent pink recession.

A recession which is claiming both their incomes and jobs at a faster rate than men. A recession that is resulting in their unpaid duties in the home burgeoning and, in many cases, a pandemic that is dependent upon women at the frontline. In schools. Childcare centres. Hospitals. Supermarkets.

To say the aftermath of COVID19 could erase 30 years of progress for women is sadly far from hyperbolic. Without serious and intentional intervention that’s where we’re headed.

Which is why we’re hosting another Women & COVID19 Conference: to put our heads together for a night, acknowledge the challenges we’re facing and create some solidarity albeit virtually. 

Given the current restrictions, and with particular regard to our Victorian peers whom have our solidarity and virtual support, the event will be delivered via the online platform Zoom next Wednesday 12th of August.

Like last time, the lineup is epic and unlike other conferences you can book individual sessions for just $10 plus GST.

We have Dr Ranjana Srivastava presenting on Navigating Illness & Mortality During the Pandemic, Marlee Silva on being Young, Blak & Ready to Act, Jessie Tu on Why a lonely girl is a dangerous thing, Emma Dawson on the uneven impact of COVID, Tara Moss on Pain in a Pandemic, Sally McManus on ensuring women aren’t totally screwed, Senator Mehreen Faruqi on how young adults will survive this, Cassandra Goldie on Raising the Rate and Sam Mostyn on the leadership we need.

Lisa Bryant and I are also co-hosting a session on why childcare is the actual infrastructure project we need.

So lock next Wednesday evening in your diary, sign up for the sessions that speak to you and, if you’re feeling generous and it’s feasible why not shout a Victorian friend a session?


Stay Smart!

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