'Turn Newington College into a girls school' says joke petition amid co-ed debate

‘Turn Newington College into a girls school’ says joke petition amid co-ed debate

Old school building waving women's rights flag

A person under the pseudonym “Karen McKaren” has created a “joke” petition on change.org in response to the co-education saga at Newington College.

The petition, which has not yet received 100 signatures, called on the administration and Board of Directors to overturn their decision to go co-ed. Instead, it suggested Newington College become an all-girls school.

“We express our collective concern and disagreement with the recent decision to introduce co-education at Newington College,” the petition’s organiser, “Karen McKaren”, wrote in the description. 

“We firmly believe that the historic boys’ school should remain single-sex, and that a co-ed environment would be damaging to the students’ education. 

“That is why we ask for Newington College to be transformed into an all-girls institution.”

The petition’s organiser first argued the academic ranking of Newington College, ranked 142 as of last year, was not reflective of “a supposedly ‘elite’ school” and suggested an all-girls school would promote academic excellence since research suggests girls are more studious.

“By making this transition, we anticipate an improvement in the school’s academic performance, ultimately justifying the financial investment made by parents,” the petition description read.

McKaren acknowledged the significant backlash from parents, students and old boys of the single-sex secondary school when the decision to become a co-ed school was announced in November last year.

On the first day of school in 2024 last week, parents gathered in protest outside the gates of the Sydney school, claiming “boys will become second-class citizens in their own school” as a result of the change.

“Considering this, we firmly believe that it would be in the best interest of the new girls who will be attending not to have to deal with the potential challenges and conflicts arising from this transition,” the creator of the petition wrote. 

“In this context, we posit that creating an all-girls school would not only address the concerns raised by the boys, and parents who are afraid of their sons being “educated with girls”, but also streamline the educational environment, making it easier for all students to focus on their studies without unnecessary distractions.”

The light-hearted yet detailed petition was shared by consent advocate and author of Consent Laid Bare Chanel Contos.

“Thank you everyone who has spoked up (sic), for your unwavering commitment to educational excellence and for not succumbing to the absurd notion that boys and girls can coexist peacefully in a learning environment,” McKaren wrote.

‘It’s all just so silly’

Behind “Karen McKaren”, the petition’s organiser, is Susie Dodds, a 25-year-old graphic designer. She is currently in France, but heard about the uproar from the Newington College community regarding the Board’s announcement of the co-ed changes.

“I thought I would treat the issue with as much seriousness as it deserves,” Dodds told Women’s Agenda, “because it’s all just so silly.”

Susie Dodds, aka ‘Karen McKaren’, created the ‘joke’ petition to change Newington College to an all-girls school. Credit: Supplied

Dodds has volunteered for various consent organisations in Australia and is passionate about consent education. Like Chanel Contos, she believes single-sex education for girls is beneficial, whereas all-boys schools can be problematic.

“Studies have shown that girls’ schools are actually good for girls’ education,” she said.

“It’s nice to be educated in an environment where you’re not having to deal with misogyny on a regular basis.

“Whereas for boys it’s the other way round – it’s not helpful to be educated in a single-sex environment.”

When her friends back in Sydney told her about the Newington College saga, Dodds couldn’t believe it was happening.

“They say women are the emotional ones, but then you’re crying on TV because your fictional grandchild can’t go to a boys school? It’s just absurd. It’s all silly,” she said.

Dodds used to live close by an all-girls school which recently made the change to become co-ed.

“We didn’t hear anything about that – because when a girl school goes co-ed, no one cares,” she said. “It does highlight the continued issue that Australia seems to have with boys’ schools – they’re so precious.”

In response to the “silly event” she created the “silly petition” under a “silly name”.

“I was a little bit apprehensive that if (the petition) did suddenly blow up for whatever reason, I might start getting some nasty messages from old boys from Newington – so Karen McKaren was a joke name as well,” Dodds said.

The petition has received 98 signatures, with a goal of reaching 100 signatures. You can view the petition here.


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