How to confidently get through a job interview - Women's Agenda

How to confidently get through a job interview

After an extended absence from the workforce, securing a job interview is truly a major coup. Attracting a recruiter’s attention in this competitive job market means your CV stood out amongst hundred of others. You can be confident that your skills and experience are in line with what the employer wants. Celebrate this success!

One client told me recently that she had been invited to interview for several positions but, instead of being on a high, her confidence was at an all time low. She said, “I seem to just fall apart at interviews. I actually had an interview for a HR Manager job this week. I was terrible! I feel it should come naturally to me, but motherhood has a way of changing that.”

When we discussed what had happened in her recent interview, she explained that she had not had time to prepare with two-year old twins at her heels and keeping her up at night. She arrived at the interview tired and ill-prepared. Her interview skills were not the problem at all; rather her lack of preparation was letting her down and affecting her confidence as a result.

It is said that a first impression is made within minutes – if not seconds – and determines job interview success more than the language you use, the way you express yourself or the facts that you share. This is the formula I have seen proven again and again:

Preparation = Confidence = Powerful First Impression

It is confidence that enables you to make a positive first impression by:

  • Arriving early
  • Dressing professionally
  • Minimising scents and jewellery
  • Using a firm handshake
  • Maintaining eye contact
  • Standing tall and sitting straight
  • Greeting conversationally
  • Smiling warmly
  • Using an appealing tone of voice
  • Using positive language

And it is preparation that gives you the confidence to get all of those aspects right.

Many things can distract us from our efforts to be prepared for an interview, not least of all small children. However, it cannot be emphasized enough how important it is.

Here are my top three tips for ensuring you are well prepared:

  1. Know your CV inside out and prepare examples of your experience that demonstrate the competencies required for the position. Focus on what you actually achieved. Be ready to give examples that demonstrate your strengths and be able to show how you have turned weaknesses into learning opportunities.
  2. Know the company inside out by reading the company website, LinkedIn page, relevant employee profiles, job advertisements and recent news articles (subscribe to Google Alerts for the latest news). Talk to anyone you know who has worked there. This will allow you to frame your responses in the context of their unique business.
  3. Know the questions you are going to ask. Having questions shows that you are interested, enthusiastic, knowledgeable and, most importantly, confident. The right questions can also give you an opportunity to share more of your relevant experience in response to the information they give you.

So, what if you’ve done your preparation, but you still feel nervous? Being nervous before an interview for a job you really want is completely normal. It shows you care. For a final confidence boost before the interview, call someone who will tell you how absolutely fabulous you are and how mad the employer would be not to hire you.

Believe it.


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