The top five attributes for successful leadership - Women's Agenda

The top five attributes for successful leadership

The dramatic events in Canberra this week prompt us to consider what makes a successful leader, and what doesn’t. When we think about the leaders who inspire us, what is it that’s makes them special; that makes their words resonate with us and empowers us to redouble our efforts in whatever we’re doing?

Here are my top five attributes for successful leadership:

  1. Listening

    Being an effective listener is one of the most valuable skills anyone can have, in whatever field you’re in. Truly listening to the people you lead enables you to learn a great deal about them and their work, and to craft more effective policies and better decisions as a result.

    The smartest and loudest people in the room are often not the best leaders. Next time you have an opportunity, try listening to everyone else in a meeting before you offer your opinion. Don’t play with your phone or bury your head; look them in the eye, listen carefully and be amazed at what you’ll learn!

  2. Empathy

    Inspiring leaders understand the challenges faced by the people they lead, because they are one of the people. The most effective leaders are real people with families, interests and varied backgrounds, who use their diverse personal life experiences to inform better decision-making.

    Corporate and political leaders who lack empathy with the people they lead have an even larger obligation to effectively listen and not arrogantly presume to know better.

  3. Consultation

    The most respected leaders take people with them. It’s like that old saying with taking a horse to water – or in my case recently, trying to feed a toddler! In a democratic society you cannot force people to support and obey their leader; they must do so willingly.

    Everything we do revolves around people, and every person wants to feel valued, that their opinion counts and that their perspective is understood. Natural justice and genuine consultation enables people to have their say and contribute to the formulation of policies, strategies and decisions. The best leaders embrace the need for consultation and never truncate or devalue due process.

  4. Decisiveness

    Once everyone’s had their say, and their views have been taken on board, it’s time for the leader to make a decision. Whatever the decision is, whether it’s loved or loathed, the leader must stand by that decision and see it through. People must have confidence in the decision-making process, but more importantly, effective leadership requires that decisions actually be made. Yes, they can be tough, but that’s part of the responsibility that comes with being a leader. It’s not always glamorous and easy, yet if proper process has been followed, leaders will be respected when they make unpopular decisions.

  5. Integrity

    Material wealth comes and goes; values endure forever. The best leaders have deep, unwavering principles that guide everything they do. They don’t chop and change with passing fads. We know where our respected leaders stand, whether we agree with them or not. If leaders sell out their values and compromise their integrity, it’s irrecoverable and certainly fatal to their authority. And history will judge them accordingly.


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