Clare Mann's How to say what needs to be said - Women's Agenda

Clare Mann’s How to say what needs to be said

Clare Mann’s Communicate is the kind of book one buys when cranky – and finishes reading ready to use that angry energy in a good way. Designed to rewire the way we approach conversations and negotiations, reading it feels like a breakthrough. There are many books on communication, but this one is worth a read.

Mann is a communications consultant and trainer, and her pragmatic approach to her craft permeates the book. It’s full of examples, tips and graphs that explain exactly how to approach difficult conversations. At points it’s almost painfully practical. But the combination of step-by-step processes and examples makes potentially awkward situations – such as how to ask for clarification without losing face or frustrating your conversation partner – much easier.

The book covers both professional and personal relationships so it’s a valuable read for those looking to shift their work-life balance.

One of the most valuable aspects of Communicate is that it goes beyond simple tips. The first few chapters deal with emotional intelligence and perception. Not how to encourage it in others, but how to develop your own capacity for both. Mann’s focus on emotional intelligence and self-awareness continues through the book. These skills are crucial for women with big career ambitions, especially in the very competitive corporate world where relationships can matter just as much as merit.

You can buy the hardback book here for $49.95.

You can find out more about Communicate31 and Clare Mann here


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