Michelle McQuaids' Five Reasons to Tell Your Boss to Go F**k Themselves: How Positive Psychology Can Help You Get What You Want - Women's Agenda

Michelle McQuaids’ Five Reasons to Tell Your Boss to Go F**k Themselves: How Positive Psychology Can Help You Get What You Want

Michelle McQuaid’s book explores one of the perennial conversations we have about work but never at work and only very rarely with work colleagues: how to deal with a bad boss. Five Reasons to Tell Your Boss to Go F**k Themselves broadens this conversation from one’s usual angsty rants to a proactive approach, and includes a strategy for getting into the job you want regardless of your boss.

Despite the bolshy title, McQuaid advocates a more thoughtful approach to dealing with narcissistic and aggressive bosses. With her background in large organisations around the world and a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology, McQuaid explains the driving forces for difficult bosses. She also explains how to avoid triggering these driving fears and how to understand and work with them.

The question-and-answer style of the book makes it easy to discover which sections are most useful for you. McQuaid stresses the importance of understanding your co-workers as individuals and her book is full of tips on how to handle different issues and personalities.

You can find out more and buy the book here.


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