Four steps to achieving your financial goals in 2013 - Women's Agenda

Four steps to achieving your financial goals in 2013

Coming into a new year, many of us have set resolutions, goals, plans and made commitments regarding a number of things, invariably including money in some way (hopefully). However, we all know how hard it can be, as the year kicks into full swing, to actually stick to our well-laid plans and see through our goals to the end. It’s not easy to stay focused for a whole year, or even for a couple of months.

So, what can you do to ensure that all of your good financial intentions come to fruition? I have a couple of tips, all of which worked for me last year, so I’m sure they’ll work for you – if you put them in place and start now.

  1. Make it a habit. Making a change is generally only difficult in the very beginning. If we can stick to the change in a routine fashion, pretty soon it will become our new normal. This is ideal because it’s then no longer difficult or challenging to remember what it is that we want to be doing. It’s commonly suggested that it takes just 30 days to create a new habit (some even say three weeks), so all we need to do is commit to sticking with our new behaviour for just 30 days, by which point it should become and feel normal.
  2. Write your goals down. How many different ideas have you entertained in your mind in your lifetime? Hundreds? Thousands? Many, I’m sure. I’m also sure you haven’t achieved each and every one of them. Reason being, our minds are capable of thinking about an enormous amount of information. So, in order to be sure the things you really want to achieve actually get done, write them down. It’s simple and it works. It doesn’t need to be complex, just make sure you write the goal, the date you want to achieve it by and how you’ll measure its success – if it’s a financial goal, be sure to write the amount of money you’re aiming for.
  3. Look at your goals. Writing your goals down certainly brings you a lot closer to actually being able to achieve them, but to take it to the next level and give yourself a 99% chance of success, put them somewhere you will look at them regularly. I tape my goals to my shower door, I also write them in the front of my miGoals diary and create a desktop background too. This means that I am seeing and reading my goals several times a day. This way you won’t be distracted by life, and incidentally push your goals to the side.
  4. Track your goals. It’s also important to have a way to track your progress. We are naturally motivated by seeing incremental improvements to something and wanting to finish it. Think of the progress bar on your LinkedIn profile, doesn’t it just make you want to complete it? Find a way to track and measure your goals so you can see you progress throughout the year and this will certainly keep you motivated. Financial goals are often the easiest to track, as you’ll have a bank account or investment fund that will be building. Perhaps set aside a time each month to review all of your balances and compare them to the previous month (we do this with all of our clients), this will give you a real sense of satisfaction each month that you are moving toward your goals.

All of the above worked for me last year across a number of areas of my life, so I know they can work for you too. I’ve mentioned it before, but goal setting and financial success go hand in hand, so don’t forget to think of the monetary side of your goals, and to include some financial goals at this time of year when you’re planning.

This year I’ll be sharing with Women’s Agenda my series of slow money ideas and concepts, designed purely to build wealth in a sustainable fashion. In a way that works, and is tied to what you really want in life. I hope you enjoy them and I always love to read your comments in the section below each article.

Build it slowly.

What will you be doing to achieve your goals this year?

Disclaimer: Please note this article is of a general nature and should be used for informational and educational interest purposes only. Please seek professional advice before making any decisions in relation to your own personal circumstances.


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