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Our journalism gets women’s stories heard and puts the issues most pertinent to women’s representation, opportunity, health and safety firmly on the national agenda.
Every day, our talented team of journalists applies a gender lens to the latest news and ideas. Co-founded by Angela Priestley and Tarla Lambert, we remain independent with no outside investment.
We’ve done this every day for more than a decade. We’re ready to go further. Your support can make it happen.
Here’s how you can support us:
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Sign up today and also access The Keynotes
The Keynotes is a first-of-its-kind leadership and career development resource designed by the team at Agenda Media to support aspiring leaders to unlock their potential and gain powerful insights from a diverse range of experts across sectors. The Keynotes help all leaders achieve their ambitions, regardless of where they’re at in their career and life journey.
What Women’s Agenda members get from The Keynotes
- A dynamic career and development platform empowering individuals with insights and tangible tips from dozens of prominent women leaders
- High-quality and to-the-point content for busy, time-poor individuals seeking to advance their careers and leadership skills
- A ready-to-access platform for employers seeking training options for managers.