Government announces $58m funding boost for endometriosis centres

Government announces $58m funding boost for endometriosis centres & genetic testing

In what he describes as “the biggest funding package” ever for endometriosis, Scott Morrison has today announced $58m ahead of the election for pelvic pain clinics, diagnosis, research and disease management.

The significant funding will deliver a suite of new specialist treatment centres across every state and territory as part of existing GP infrastructure, specialising in women’s health and pain management, as well as nurses, allied health (dietitians, pelvic physiotherapists and psychologists) and educators.

New telehealth services will assist rural and regional women as well.

Impacting one in nine Australian women, endometriosis occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus, causing inflammation, pain, fatigue and occasionally infertility.

The PM’s wife, Jenny Morrison has spoken openly about her own struggle with the disease which came close to thwarting the couple’s ability to have children.

Diagnosed at 26, Jenny Morrison told The Daily Telegraph she would suffer “excruciating” symptoms from Year Eight on.

“I would get so sick … vomiting, diarrhoea, terrible backache, really extreme cramps … you can get pain down your legs and everything,” she said.

After ten rounds of IVF, she was finally referred to a specialist for a second opinion in which she learnt of the condition. Following surgery, which cost her some of her bowel, the couple conceived their two daughters, Abby and Lily.

Alluding to his own family’s experience, Morrison said the new funding would support women with severe endometriosis and other conditions that affect fertility to access a new Medicare funded magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan.

“One in nine Australian women suffer from endometriosis and this funding today will bring welcome relief and support through better diagnosis, treatment and care,” the PM said.

“I have seen first-hand with Jen just how debilitating endometriosis can be for women, the mental and physical toll it takes and it’s so important we continue to fund new services and treatments for the hundreds of thousands of women who suffer from endometriosis.

“Our plan will improve the quality of life for women living with endometriosis, with record support, building on our National Action Plan for endometriosis, so women of all ages can get diagnosed and be supported.”

An estimated 830,000 Australian women and girls suffer from endometriosis with the disease often starting in adolescence but not being diagnosed until much later in life.

One in three women in Australia with endometriosis have reportedly been passed over for promotion because they were trying to manage their symptoms according to research out last year. One in six reported being fired due to their attempts at managing their symptoms.


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