Health Instagram is banning weight loss ads. Will it help body image issues? Instagram wants to shield teens from the dangerous messages that being beautiful means being slim. But will it really address the problem at its core?
News & Views A note on the Nike mannequin everyone is talking about The Nike mannequin debuted in its flagship London store on the weekend has been celebrated in body positive circles and Jess Heading applauds it.
News & Views Beyonce, Ed Sheeran & the absurd chasm between how men and women are expected to look An image of Beyonce and Ed Sheeran performing together in South Africa has captured an absurd chasm that still exists between men and women.
Ed's Blog From loathing to loving: How I tricked myself into liking my body The case for women being positive about their bodies. How I tricked myself into developing positive body image. Cut out fat talk and you will feel better.
News & Views Does my bum look big? What if it does, because it actually is Yesterday, Marina Go questioned why so many women think they’re larger than they actually are.
Advice Why do we care that our bum always looks bigger than it is? Three year seven girls, at Perisher to compete in the interschool ski competition, stood behind me in the line for coffee.
Ed's Blog What’s happened to Kate? The magazine cover that shocked me What’s happened to Kate Middleton? This is the question that is posed on the cover of a weekly magazine that is currently sitting on the newsstands.
Business It’s not journalism, it’s harassment: solidarity surrounds Samantha Armytage How could anything remotely positive stem from a woman enduring the ignominy of being followed by photographers and having images of her going about her Sunday splashed across the internet, calling for particular attention to be paid to her underwear? It seems oxymoronic to suggest there is any upside.