News & Views Changes to childcare a step in the right direction, but not enough On Sunday, the federal government announced a $1.7 billion investment in its childcare subsidy ahead of the upcoming budget.
News & Views Female leaders pen letter to PM: ‘Don’t forget women in the next budget’ A number of female leaders have signed a letter addressed to the Prime Minister urging him to fix workplace gender inequality.
News & Views Global report finds Australians want their government to do more on gender equality A new global report has found that 53 per cent of Australian respondents think the government should do more to promote gender equality.
News & Views How the budget failed to deliver for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women Unless people have relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, they’re not really able to convey their needs.
News & Views IMF’s latest forecasts confirm our Budget should have done more for women The IMF released its latest world economic outlook on Tuesday evening and government’s across the world are paying attention
News & Views That women are the losers in *this* history-making big-spending budget is shameful One third of one percent of the entire history-making, big spending budget goes to women. That’s 0.038% of around $500 billion.
News & Views Six consecutive cuts to the foreign aid budget in six years is not good enough Poverty is a complex problem but World Vision Australia CEO Claire Rogers says we know that foreign aid is a key piece in the puzzle.
News & Views ‘No vision or strategy for women’: An overview of the Budget’s impact Against the backdrop of an imminent election, the Budget 2019-20 must be read as the basis for the Government’s narrative of its vision for the nation.
News & Views What’s in the 2019 Budget for women? Very little What the 2019-20 budget doesn’t include is telling. There is nothing in it to address the growing inequality in Australia and little for women.
News & Views Budget fails to deliver for early childhood education The announcement of a 12-month extension of preschool investment in the 2019 budget has left parents and early childhood educators with uncertainty in the long-term.
News & Views How the Australian budget process is failing women Australia needs a gender responsive budget & we need it yesterday because Australian women are falling way behind in terms of economic security.
News & Views Women’s groups excluded from this year’s Federal Budget lockup Eight community organisations representing women, children & indigenous Australians have been excluded from the Federal Budget lockup in 2019.