News & Views Why the cost of work remains too high for women (& tax cuts don’t help) Melbourne University tax professor Miranda Stewart says the cost of work remains too high for women and the proposed tax cuts won’t help.
News & Views “Ask Treasury”: The Office for Women’s response to the Budget’s impact on women. Senator Michaelia Cash and the Office for Women’s response to the Budget’s impact on women as outlined in the NFAW Gender Lens report is to ask treasury.
News & Views Damning Budget analysis shows some women will be hit with an effective marginal tax rate of 100% Budget analysis from National Foundation for Australian Women Gender Lens report shows some women will be hit with an effective marginal tax rate of 100%
Advice App your way to affluence: Six smartphone apps that will help you save We all know we should be budgeting and keeping track of our everyday expenses, but who really does it? And who has the time? With the new financial year upon us, it’s as good a time as any to start tracking your spending and uncover exactly where your monthly pay cheque disappears to.
Ed's Blog Please explain: The “rudest Budget imaginable” for women For the 30 years prior to 2014 each Federal government of the day has produced a Women’s Budget Statement in tandem with the Federal Budget.