Life This is the most unsupported role women step into. And no, it’s not motherhood There are about 100,000 predictable deaths in Australia each year, and most commonly it’s a daughter or a wife that becomes caregiver.
News & Views Early and middle career researchers are anxious & fearful for their future employment Early and middle career researches report greater levels of anxiety and less productivity during COVID-19, according to a new survey.
News & Views Yes, women outnumber men at university. But they still earn less after they leave Female university graduates are expected to earn 27% less than their male counterparts – A$750,000 – over their career, a 2019 study found.
News & Views Truly family-friendly workplaces are key to economic recovery Our workplaces need to be more family friendly – and employers and the government must be prepared to lead the change head on.
News & Views Huge rise in working from home but women still do lion’s share of housework & caring There’s barely been a blip in the number of mothers “typically” caring for children at home, despite a massive increase in the rate of both mothers and fathers working from home.
News & Views How do we turn a ‘she-cession’ into a ‘she-covery’? Here are three ideas to start on The government has acknowledged the disproportionate effects of this crisis on women. So what action can turn the ‘she-cession’ into a ‘she-recovery’?
News & Views If you thought ‘that was a lot of money’ consider the value of women’s work If American women received a minimum wage for the unpaid care work they do around the house, they would have made $1.5 trillion last year.
News & Views Expensive childcare is making it harder for women to return to work In the UK, women with children are less likely to be in paid work than men who have children or women who don’t have a family.
News & Views Women are still asked about caring responsibilities and plans to have children in job interviews In the past year, 13% of women have been asked in a job interview about their plans to have children or their caring responsibilities.
News & Views My wish list on Valentine’s Day Forget red roses, if you want to make women happy as the Valentine’s Day marketing trope suggests, this is the wishlist to consider.