News & Views Thought childcare was expensive? Out of pocket expenses rose 48% in 6 years More of us are using formal childcare in order to participate in the workforce, yet childcare is also becoming less affordable.
News & Views Flexible childcare until 11:30pm? It’s now reality at one centre thanks to this female entrepreneur Flexible childcare is a reality at this one Melbourne-based centre. Only use half a day? Only pay for it. Need evening care? It’s available 6 nights a week.
Jugglehood Childcare centres sending kids home with dinner boxes to help exhausted parents One childcare operator is now offering $5 dinner boxes to parents picking up their kids from their centres because for parents, dinner time is chaos time.
News & Views We’ve been having the wrong conversation about childcare changes The childcare changes have sparked debate about whether or not women can afford to work. Dr Neela Janakiramanan writes that’s the wrong conversation.
Ed's Blog The problem with anything that increases ‘the motherhood penalty’ The motherhood penalty describes the detrimental financial impact that women wear upon having children. Anything that further entrenches it is a problem.
News & Views New Child Care Subsidy: I fear efforts to close the gender pay gap could suffer As new child care arrangements kick in for parents this week, Labor MP Susan Templeman fears some women will be worse off.
Ed's Blog In news that will shock few parents childcare fees are on the rise. Again. A report in The Australian shows that childcare fees are being hiked again which will eat into the benefit families were meant to derive from reforms.
News & Views Why the cost of work remains too high for women (& tax cuts don’t help) Melbourne University tax professor Miranda Stewart says the cost of work remains too high for women and the proposed tax cuts won’t help.
Ed's Blog When feminists don’t want to ‘work anymore’? The case for dads doing more is clear. Until we seriously consider how fathers can do more at home, mothers will continue to struggle to combine work and family. And unsurprisingly, many of them, feminists included, will decide they can’t. It’s time for dads to do more.
News & Views A childcare conference, an Uber ride & a reminder that wholesale change is needed Too often piecemeal solutions have been offered to fix childcare. Wholesale change is required to benefit children, educators and families.
News & Views Melinda Gates: We’re sending our daughters into workplaces designed for dads Melinda Gates has written an op-ed on LinkedIn arguing that American workplaces are designed for dads not daughters. She says workplaces need to catch up.
Ed's Blog The photos that capture the magic of Sweden’s family friendly policies Swedish Dads Johan Bavman has photographed 25 dads in Sweden who took more than 6 months leave with their babies and it captures the magic.