podcasts Podcast: Turning point on remote work? The caring load in a pandemic. Female president, ever? Remote work and the caring responsibilities during a pandemic? We’re talking the latest Women’s Agenda stories once again.
News & Views We all get to help #FlattenTheCurve and that’s empowering Not worried about getting sick because you don’t fit the high risk category? It’s not about you. But it is about the bit you can do to #FlattenTheCurve
Jugglehood The mass school closures possibility: How would working parents cope? It’s possible that school closures could occur suddently. Australia has one advantage: we are a number of weeks behind other countries.
News & Views An open letter to Victorian Health Minister Jenny Mikakos Jenny Mikakos MP stated that she was “flabbergasted that a doctor with flu-like symptoms has presented to work”, who tested positive for COVID-19.
News & Views Don’t let COVID-19’s halt on women’s rights meetings set progress backwards The UN indefinitely postponed the Commission of the Status of Women (CSW) due to the threat of COVID-19. We can’t let progress slip.